Please follow the following steps to setup the dynamics AX Virtual Machine.
1.From the partner source or customer source download the Dynamics AX Virtual Machine (VM) files
3.Start the VM Manager and click the Virtual Switch Manager to create network connections.4.Select Internal then click Create Virtual Switch button.
5.Rename the Switch then click OK button.
6.Now repeat step 3 to create external Switch. This time select External then click Create Virtual Switch button.
7.Rename the Switch then select the network adapter from the “External Network” list then click apply then Click OK to close the form.
8.In the main form click the “Import Virtual Machine” link.
9.Click Next.
10.Click “Browse” to locate the VM folder path.
11.Select the VM folder then press “Select Folder” Button.
12.Press Next Button.
13.Press Next Button again.
14.Select “Register the virtual machine in place (Use the Existing Unique ID)” then click Next button.
15.Click Finish Button.
16.You will notice that the VM have been added.
17.Click Setting.
18.Select “Network Adapter” then click “Add”.
19.Select “Internal” from the Virtual Switch then Click “Apply” then OK button.
20.Repeat the steps 17 and 18 but this time select “External” then Click “Apply” then OK button.
21.Now open the Network connections in the host machine. Locate the network adapter named VEthernet (Internal)
23.Right click the network adapter, select Properties
24.Scroll down and select Internet Protocol Version 4, select Properties
25.Select Use the following IP Address and enter
a.IP address:
b.Subnet mask: then click OK
27.Start the VM
28.If the following Message appear this means that the server does not have enough Memory. Close the message.
29.To fix this issue click setting then select the Memory from the hardware pane then Change the “Startup RAM” after that Click “Apply” button.
30.Start the VM
31.After the VM started. Click Connect or Double Click the VM image at the bottom of the form.
32.Log into VM operating system. the User name: Administrator and the password: pass@word1
34.Open a command prompt on the VM and enter IPCONFIG to Locate the network adapter that will be used for internal communication. NOTE: to easily identify the correct NIC, open a command prompt, enter IPCONFIG and view which NIC has a 169 address.
35.Go to start menu and type ncpa.cpl to open Network Connections.
36.Right click the network adapter, select Properties
37.Select Internet Protocol Version 4, select Properties
38.Select Use the following IP address:
a.IP address:
b.Subnet mask:
c.Preferred DNS Server:
39.That’s All. enjoy
See Also
Rearm Dynamics AX Virtual Machine.
Speed up Dynamics AX Virtual Machine.
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Speed up Dynamics AX Virtual Machine.
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